How It Works

Getting started is simple. Start managing your information with the click of a button.

What's Your Solution? includes the simplest setup on the market. Solution Profiles are preconfigured projects that allow you to much more quickly create common business processes by simply choosing which profiles to add.

Each profile includes projects, workflows, e-forms, security groups, users, document associations, records retention policies, and even security rights that represent best practices, so you don’t have to spend time trying to create these details from scratch. Of course, you can choose to customize each profile to suit your unique business needs.


Advanced Features to Modernize Your Organization

Professional and Enterprise editions of offer advanced features.

Audit Trails

Track your users activity within your documents and restrict access to sensitive information.


Route documents through automated processes and share information between systems to increase efficiency.


Maintain regulatory compliance and protect your data with five levels of security.

Records Management

Control how long documents are retained and when they're destroyed.

Solutions for Every Business Process

Say goodbye to manual processes that are slowing down productivity in the office and costing you money. No matter your department, we can help you manage your information efficiently.

Solutions for Every Business Process
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Accounts Payable

Quickly and securely store invoices and speed processing to save money.

Human Resources

Lock down employment records to maintain privacy and streamline employee onboarding.


Retain and securely share student records while maintaining FERPA compliance.


Speed secure access to patient information when every minute could save a life.

Healthcare Claims

Automatically route claims through adjudication to speed collection and reimbursement.

Want to learn more about the basics of

Download our Getting Started guide!